10 family contests for new year


Christmas bags

TWO players get spruced pouch and stand at the coffee desk, on which lay in a box scraps of tinsel, Christmas unbreakable playthings and little little items that do not belong to a New Year vacation. Cheered by the music a players blindfolded contents of boxes stacked in bags. Once the music dies down, players unleash his skin eyes, and you be collected items. A winner is a one who has had more Christmas items. A game can be done TWO times with varied players.

Dress up Christmas tree

Infants configuration 2 teams. Nearly any team has a lead box with Christmas unbreakable playthings. Away with the small teams is dressed simulated Christmas trees. The first players taken out of the box a fun run to his team's fur-tree, hang a fun and come back - and however to a finish player. The team, a 1-st dress up Christmas tree.

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