Meeting mom from a infirmary: Tips for Dads


But all this is not enough to buy - you as well request to meticulously equip a newborn (or a rooms where a child is sleeping.) For example, to collect the bed. To put it in the rightly put: not the battery, not the pvc window, not a wood door. It would be fine to hang around crib night lightness: it's fast to get up at night to a baby in a pitch darkness, and lots of sunshine do not wish to comprise.

And it would be wise to equipment changing desk - a put where you can disguise the newborn. And all novokuplennoe clothes for the child would be nice to throw in the wash machine and ablution with newborn powderise.

Pram, scales, variant rattles, baby monitor, ear sticks, scissors for cutting nails and other necessary (and not how) things It is possible to buy a some later - a day or 2 after arriving home mom with a newborn.

Feast - a mountain!

What last thing I should to do an average girl 18 years old who has just arrived home from the hospital? That's rightly, move by grocery stores, then make for a any days in advance. So be sure to score a refrigerator items, but certainly tasty and healthy. Hardly a nursing mum will be pleased abundance smoked sausages, eggs, mushrooms, and kefir. These seemingly harmless fresh fruits and vegetables, like cucumbers, grapes, melons, and watermelons to her now, too, strangely enough, not shown. If mother eat them, it can cause bloating of the baby.

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