Can I have sex upon pregnancy?


On the dangers of sex during childbearing There are many legends. Gynecologists are unanimous in a opinion that all individually. However, there are about chief guidelines, observing that a expectant mum will avoid any unpleasant consequences.

To a problem "Can I get sex upon pregnancy?" Meets obstetrician-gynecologist Vylegzhanina Zoe G., expert of the Center of Traditional Midwifery.

In rule pregnancy sex did not threaten either mother or baby. Danger can arise alone when this has certain prerequisites, such as fetal genetic abnormalities, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases, genital or other gestation complications.

Otherwise, you want be careful in the following situations:

- You have just found out approximately a pregnancy. A fact is that often the ovum by the female aging body is perceived so a foreign body, causing the uterus occurs tone. This is a physiological condition, and no specific therapy is required. But the 1-st 30 days and a 1/2 to carefully treat to yourself, to exclude not only sexually active, and heavy exercise, sauna, hot tub and sudden movements. About the size of 10-12 week ultrasound, a medical man will tell you, and how childbearing proceeds. If no uterine tone, the implantation of the embryo is not poor, and a expectant mom on what not complaining, all restrictions on sexual removed. In case of complaints of abdominal pain, uterine tone by ultrasound or short attachment of a ovum - Restrictions on sex remain to a favorable resolution of a situation.

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